Example of session structure

  • Explanation of the history of Zen in Japan including how Zen has solved the challenges of Japan’s past executives.
  • Zazen meditation experience under the guidance of a Zen priest
  • Experiencing tea, which is closely associated with Zen
  • Learning how to clear the mind in everyday life



He became a Zen priest and disciple of Joju-ji Zen temple 20 years ago, where he has been head priest since 2016.

Joju-ji, established in 810 at the will of the emperor of the time, is a Buddhist Temple dedicated to the protection of the nation and prosperity of the Imperial Household. Joju-ji was destroyed by a fire in the 1500s but was rebuilt in 1687 as a temple of Obaku Buddhism. Obaku is a sect of Zen Buddhism introduced from China during the Edo period.

See more about Joju-ji https://jojuji.org/english.html


Daisetz SASAKI

He studied under a Zen priest in Kyoto and obtained a master’s degree in religious studies at a Japanese university to deepen his knowledge of Zen’s history and wisdom.

He introduced Zen wisdom to hundreds of people, including executives from Western companies visiting Japan, and gave invited lectures at companies in Silicon Valley in the United States, along with the Zen priest. Through these experiences, he is capable of translating and conveying Zen wisdom to modern people.