What is SanZen?

SanZen is a unique solution for those seeking instant clarity in their work and life. Here are three key reasons why SanZen is worth trying:

Why SanZen is necessary

Why SanZen is necessary

In today's fast-paced world, stress and anxiety can quickly accumulate, causing mental fatigue and making it difficult to focus on work or other activities. SanZen offers a simple and effective way to clear your mind and find balance, even if you have limited time.

How SanZen works

How SanZen works

SanZen provides a five-minute casual Zen practice that involves watching beautiful scenic videos while mindfully sipping a soothing beverage. This practice is based on Zen doctrine and offers efficient mental stimulation for all five senses. By engaging your senses and focusing on the present moment, you can quickly shift your mindset and find clarity.

Why SanZen is effective

Why SanZen is effective

SanZen's approach to mindfulness and meditation is designed to fit into your busy lifestyle. The short duration and simplicity of the practice make it easy to incorporate into your daily routine. With regular practice, SanZen can help reduce stress, increase focus, and improve overall well-being.

How to use?

How to use?

SanZen is a 5-minute casual Zen practice that you can enjoy while sipping on your favorite beverage and watching our video content. By immersing yourself in beautiful scenery and stimulating your senses, you can efficiently clear your mind.

1. Prepare a beverage

Let's prepare a drink before playing the video content. Any drink is fine, and your usual coffee or tea during your break time will be good too.

2. Enjoy virtual walking through our video content

SanZen app offers content tailored to your situation. Use Work category content when starting work, and Compassion category content when you feel frustrated.
When you play the content, a beautiful landscape video will play. Enjoy watching it while drinking your beverage in a relaxed manner.

3. Practice brief meditation to clear your mind

Watching the video and drinking your beverage stimulates your senses and separates your thoughts from your daily routine. By meditating for a short period in this state, you can quickly clear your mind. SanZen's Meditation feature has a simple guide. It is easy, as all you need to do is take deep breaths slowly.

Use category of SanZen app

The SanZen app can be used in various everyday scenes. Practice with a cup of coffee or your favorite drink in hand, and clear your mind.

It is important to switch your mindset to one suitable for work before starting your work in the morning. A suitable mental state for work is a balance between moderate excitement and moderate calmness. By watching beautiful Zen-related images while drinking a beverage, you can switch your mindset to a well-balanced mental state suitable for work.

In recent years, the development of communication tools and the normalization of remote work have made the boundary between work and private life more ambiguous. Even when spending time with family after work, do you find yourself unintentionally thinking about work and responding to your family with half-hearted answers? Take a moment to pause, switch your mindset to private mode, and enjoy a rich time with your family.

In the midst of a busy daily life, it's easy to lose mental space and find ourselves unable to express our innate compassion. When you feel irritated or lacking in patience, take a moment to pause and clear your mind. You'll surely regain your inherent compassion and be able to communicate with those around you with the appropriate attitude.

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